Friday, August 26, 2011

Common Sense and Analytical Thinking.

It has often been said that an opinion is like an asshole that everybody has one. So it would reason that this asshole has a few of his own. As someone who is open minded I spend alot of time listening to the point of view of others and sometimes I regret it, then again sometimes I don't. There are alot of well meaning naive people in the world today that just don't seem to understand the world isn't black and white. It isn't supposed to be. Regardless of what side your on both sides are right and wrong at the same time. No one is right all the time and no one is always wrong either. I tend to find with common sense and analytical thinking when you look at either side the truth tends to lie somewhere in between where they are not looking. So i want to take this time and this space to talk a little bit instead of listening and give my perspective.

Boys vs Girls..Who Sucks the most?

The answer is both and neither. Why do some women take advantage of men? The answer is simple....because they can. There's no rhyme or reason to it. When they can't take advantage of you anymore they'll just find someone else to take advantage of anyway. Eventually the men they know will move on and get tired of them and someday when they lose their leverage it'll be over. Why does your boyfriend treat you like crap? Because you allow it. Stand up for yourself if he leaves you'll find somebody else. You'll never get more unless you demand it. In truth men and women aren't that different they just express things differently. An immature man or woman is self centered and won't think about anyone else but themselves. They seek out partners that will validate their bullshit behavior. When they fall off that ladder a few times and learn the universe doesn't revolve around them then things may get better. Most don't truly learn how to win until they lose because they can't appreciate anything.


This is something that is so simple as far as how the government runs people have to screw it up. Ignorant people should be forced to wear a muzzle. In the area that I live in you tend to have the ignorant leading the ignorant. I once dated a girl in the area who was a die hard republican. She would quote things that she saw on television that someone just made up but she believed that it was true. Certain forms of media count on the fact that you will be lazy and never do your own research. They prey on the ignorant with propaganda. The enemy of propaganda of course is education. She loved politics but couldn't name the 3 branches of government(executive,legislative and judicial) or the purpose of each. She once posted on facebook calling Houston,TX a cradle of filth because of some immigration law and talked about how great it used to be. Now she has never been to Houston,TX. She's never left the state of Alabama. She doesn't even know anyone in Houston she grew up in an all white town and doesn't even know any minorities. She just saw the story on Fox News. She's a politician's dream..someone who can't think for themselves but others may believe her. Democrats think it would be better without Republicans and Republicans think the exact opposite. They fight in bars over it and all this other silly stuff when neither knows their ass from a toilet seat. I'm gonna break it down for you. In this country we have two parties and they have differing views on economics both of which are a complete failure. First we have the Democrats. Now Republicans will accuse Democrats of being Socialists because it's true. They believe in distribution of wealth in some form or another. The rich are making too much money and the poor need it so let's close that gap where everyone has money. It doesn't work and this is why. If everyone basically gets the same then there is no incentive to try harder for things. If someone who does nothing gets the same as I do then why should I work harder for anything so they can continue to bleed me dry? Some people have nothing because they've done nothing. We all have to have something to aspire to. Some people are really trying and need the help and won't be able to get it because someone that didn't need it took it. That brings me to the Republicans. Republicans at the core believe in what's called trickle down economics. This is the belief where all the money is given to the "job creators" so they can expand and hire more people while paying them a higher wage. Ain't going to happen. As we've seen corporations are greedy. They won't hire more people or pay them a higher wage. They'll pocket that money and if anything use it to move operations to another country so they can pay even lower wages and throw you into the street. So neither on their own will work. You have to have both to balance each other out and theoretically it works as long as neither has control. If you follow this theory when you have a republican president then you must have a democratic congress and vice versa a democratic president should have a republican congress. During the Bush administration part of that time the republicans controlled everything. How did that work out? When Obama got into office the democrats ran the show. How did that work out? They both blew it to shit. Republicans and Democrats hate on each other but without the other each would would sink like the titanic. So political arguments are stupid.

The War on Terror

This has become a huge powderkeg of emotion on all sides. In all sides there is some truth and falsehood. I hear the war is about nothing but oil we should just pull out of there and leave. I'm sure oil has something to do with it but it isn't everything. To just pull out of there however is pretty poorly thought out. This war was a long time in the making. I'm not touching that Iraq thing with a 10 ft pole I'm going to focus on terrorists. So where does this start. Well it pretty much starts with Israel. Israel of course has religious significance to the west but that isn't really it. You see we are friends with Israel and help them out because they are the most like us. Israeli's don't post youtube videos on how to beat your wife to death  or just beat her up like the other countries in their area. We help Israel in alot of ways. Now just like individuals Israel isn't perfect they do some bad things just like we do. Well when Clinton was in office they bombed an American Embassy in Africa killing alot of people because of our support for Israel. So we bombed them back but we didn't go to war. People over here protested that we bombed these peaceful people working in a pharmaceutical  factory then the media reported it a little less when a ton of missiles were found in an underground bunker under that peaceful factory. We bombed them back but didn't go to war. So they tried to bomb the world trade center in the early nineties. Messed up the bottom floor but that was about it. We arrested the guy that done it but after two acts of war we basically still took it and didn't go to war. Fast forward to 2001 and they take out the world trade center killing over 3000 people. After the third act of war we finally went to war. We overthrew a government that sponsored them and killed their leaders. They were launching terrorist attacks against America over 10 years before we fought back and went to war. Do you think if we pulled out the attacks would stop? Of course they wouldn't stop if anything they would get worse they would see it as a victory for themselves. The fact is we actually did not start this war and it has to be finished. To say we should pull out is naive and overly emotional. In wars like this civilians get killed. All death is horrible. People look at pictures of dead children over there and it tugs at the heart strings. Their heart strings were not pulled when our children were murdered. The world trade center had a couple daycare centers did you forget? No one likes to see children murdered or anyone murdered for that matter. Does anyone really think our soldiers even like being over there? If they had a choice I'm sure they'd rather be here drinking a beer that's why I buy them one when I see them. Will the war on terror ever end? I honestly don't think so.

Flash Mobs
 Flash Mobs are all the new rage these days and can spring up everywhere protesting various things under our freedom of speech. While alot of things of course need to be protested the people don't seem to understand that other people also have rights. The most famous example of this was recently at the Jefferson Memorial where a russian television station and another group raising money for Hugo Chavez called Code Pink staged a rally protesting the right to dance in public which a court had ruled was illegal because it infringed on the rights of others to enjoy the solemn monument. They edited together some film afterward and cut out the parts where they were raising total hell and causing a public disturbance and even assaulted people so they could get arrested and have it shown on russian television accusing the country of being a police state. People have the right to peaceful protest in this country and permits are issued in every town in the country for them to do so. That insures the rights of others are not infringed. What flash mobs do is a slippery slope. The fact is that most of these people quote the constitution and have most likely not read it. You see freedom of speech is an individual right. So what exactly does that mean? Well I'll spell this out. Groups or organizations are not protected by the freedom of speech statute  in this country. At no time in our nation's history has a group ever had any freedom of speech rights in any way shape or form according to the constitution that they claim to have read. They are not exercising their rights to freedom of speech because by law they never had that right. They however are abusing the constitution and could cause ill effects down the road. You see rights can be taken away. During the Civil War Lincoln famously abolished the Second Amendment because alot of northern newspapers were pro south. It can be taken away when it gets abused. These people tend to think themselves revolutionaries and that they are going to make some kind of positive change. People the 60's are over. The best they can do is get on tv before going to jail. Che Guerra who helped Castro overthrow the Batista regime in Cuba famously said in his book on guerrilla warfare that it is impossible to have a successful revolution in a country where the leaders are democratically elected because it will never have the majority public support. Apparently these pseudo revolutionaries didn't read their history. A great man once said unjust laws should be disobeyed. That great man will not pay your legal fees and bail you out of jail or help you find another job when you get fired for not showing up for work due to being in jail. You gotta use your head people these mobs can't do anything other than get you arrested. Hassling cops won't do you any good cops don't pass laws legislature passes laws. Get your head out of your ass.

Let's have a look at Islam but a real one. You have many different sects of Islam the way you have many different Christians(Baptist, Catholic, Holiness, Freaky snake people,etc). Some follow the Koran. Some follow an extremist version of the prophet Mohammed(called Elijah in the Hebrew Bible), who teaches many things not actually found in the Koran or part of Islam(like the whole 70 virgins thing, that's right it's not part of the actual Islamic religion). The Koran and the Bible are pretty similar until you get to Abraham. After that the Bible follows Issac and the Koran follows Ismael to Mecca. Muslims who follow Mohammed will drive a truck filled with bombs into your shit. Muslims who follow the Koran only will probably give you a great deal on some beef jerky and cash a two party check for you when others won't. That's a pretty big difference. How would you like it if everyone thought you practiced bigamy and played with snakes because you are a christian. Yes it really is THAT different. Of course Mohammed is part of all Muslim religions but not everything he said is part of every Muslim sect. It's not a good idea to lump them all together because it just shows ignorance. Not all Muslims follow the teachings of a known pedophile. You know like Scientologists do.

Government and Blind Allegiance 
Some people get really mad at you when you question the government. Personally I believe the government should always be questioned. I remember a town hall on tv years ago when someone asked Newt Gingrich if we should trust our leaders. He said absolutely not. Governments are run by people and people are greedy and untrustworthy by nature. Let me ask you a question? If someone comes up to you and asks you to hand them some money don't you ask them why? Do you just hand out money for the hell of it? You see we always here about freedom but freedom is just an ideal. You really aren't free. If you saw a sign on the road that said Free televisions and you pulled over to get one. Before you got that TV you were told as part of getting that free TV you may have to leave the country and be shot to death. But if you don't then you still gotta pay a little bit of money for stuff as long as you live. Would you still think that TV was free? That's one expensive free TV to pay all that but that's what your doing. You pay rent to live here except it's called tax instead. I pay rent on my apartment and because of that I'll say any damn thing I want to inside it. The government does some shady stuff man. Some people may think it's anti-american to say that. Well folks America isn't a big white building north of Virginia. America is the people in it. We are America. The people that founded this country didn't believe in the status quo and blind allegiance. They didn't like it in England so they said screw it and left then fought them in a war and defeated them. You see that was an actual revolution so you flash mobs can take notes. England's leaders weren't democratically elected at the time either(1 point for Che). The point is we are a defiant country and we were meant to question everything. The big one recently is why does the government allow corporations to do unethical things. Have you ever wondered why prescription drug companies advertise on television? They shouldn't have to I mean if it's the right drug your doctor would prescribe it right? Well you see these drug companies give doctor's deals like if they sell so much of one company's drugs they get a free vacation somewhere and stuff like that. Think some doctors might be selling you drugs you don't need to get that vacation? You bet your ass they are. Why are lobbyists allowed to bribe politicians legally. We all know that money doesn't stay in the campaign fund. These things should be questioned. It's more American to question these things than it is to not question. For that matter corporations they pay these congressman should also be questioned. Congressmen make less than a half million a year but most leave office multi-millionaires. I guess you don't think that should be questioned either. Our military can fight terrorists in the desert. They can't bust into Enron and shoot up the place or Bank of America. So we have to question it and speak out against it here otherwise when they are done fighting over there the country they come home to won't be worth as much as they one they fought for. Blind allegiance doesn't help make our future better. Speaking out very well could as long as it's done the right way(not in a flash mob).

In closing these are my opinions I'm sure some will agree and some won't but hopefully everyone will think about it for a moment but whenever you read something including this everything you read may be wrong. Enjoy that!

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