Saturday, March 3, 2012

A Rant on Haters and Trolling

    If your on facebook for any given amount of time you'll already know these terms. Now to start I can honestly say I've never really had a problem with people trolling my stuff. I've pretty pretty lucky in that aspect most of my friends are pretty supportive. However, I see alot of things that they post as well and frankly some of it dives me nuts. Some don't even know they are doing it. Some do and don't care. Yes we are talking about being a troll. A troll is a hater but a specific kinda of hater. A troll actually goes out of their way to look for things to be pissed off about and then ruins everyone else's day by sharing it. I'm going to give a couple examples of what a troll is and how they operate.
    A light example of this will be when someone posts a video of some martial arts program they are trying to sell. Now I'll tell you straight off it takes roughly 100 martial art instructors to screw in a light bulb. It takes 1 to do it and 99 to sit around and claim they could've done it much better. I see videos all the time that I think are terrible but then I ask myself some questions. Since it's clips am I looking at every technique in it's proper context. Why are they doing their technique that way. Do I understand the purpose or their technique or system. If I answer no to any of these questions then I'm honestly not qualified to comment on their video so I don't. Videos like that are put together to get people interested in that system they aren't designed to inform or educate in anyway. They are teasers put together that leave out stuff on purpose otherwise they are just giving it away for free and they'd be out of business. I know in the past when I've done videos I'll shoot them at an angle or leave something out on purpose to keep people from stealing my stuff(it happens). This is common sense to most people but not a troll. They are going to attack something they know nothing about because it makes them feel superior and all high and mighty even though to the educated they just look like fools. I recently saw some friends of mine bashing some guys combatives video because they felt it had too much Wing Chun in it. Now I've seen their videos and well and they weren't that impressive but I didn't say anything because I'm not a troll. I do however know the guy they were bashing as well and know in a fight he could beat the piss out of them with his eyes shut. They'll never find that out though because frankly, they are trolls.
  Another magnet for trolls is politics. Now I want to make an obvious statement before I continue. All  governments are corrupt. All politicians are corrupt. No politician is any better than another regardless of party affiliation. Their are just some politicians who get caught and some that don't. I see things on my newsreel of people who go out of their way to find the craziest shit who can imagine to rant about. Some of it is completely made up. Some has some truth but not very much. They actually go out of their way to find time in the day to look for this crap. I would never post anything about politics it's stupid. All it does is tear people apart and does damage it can never help anything. Here's a simple fact for you. If you get up off your ass and focus on what you need to do to get where you want to be then it doesn't matter who is in the white house. A politician is never going to fix your broken life that's your responsibility.  You can spend your entire life blaming someone else for your problems or you can be an adult and grow up just a little bit and take control of your own life. Why post that stuff anyway no one in Washington cares what you think. Most people don't care what you think they are only concerned with themselves. In reality all your doing is wasting time that you could've been doing something productive. The world is full of self centered people who only care about themselves and their own personal biases and preconceptions. Even if they agree with your post they aren't going to do anything about it. You should just stop intellectually masturbating and find something better to do with your time.
  This next one could've been part of the politics but I wanted to make it separate. It's a special troll known as the facebook revolutionary. A facebook revolutionary will look for any and everything they can find to be pissed off about. Some legit and some not. It could be politics, health care, science, and anything else they can find. They by nature are delusional and get in their head that they are the leader of some revolution and the public is waiting on their next post because their movement is going to change the world.Now for  the reality check. No one gives a shit. The fact is your a very small minority and everyone has their own opinion they don't need yours. Oh but the revolutionary will have studies to back what they say. The problem is all studies tend to be biased based on what the researcher was trying to prove when they started. 20  years ago eggs were bad for you and no one should ever eat them for any reason. Today eggs are good for you and you should eat them. It's the same eggs just the study changed. in 20 years they'll be bad again. If someone decides global warming exists they'll spend the money and come up with studies to prove they are right. If someone doesn't believe in global warming they'll spend the money and come up with studies to prove they are right. See where this is going? For every study you can find to prove your point another study will prove it false. In truth it isn't really about saving the world it's simply about your ego and the romanticized vision you have of yourself. Sure you and your hater circle jerk will always have each other but that's about it. As an alternative try making someone smile. Squash the bullshit propaganda your embarrassing yourself and misleading others. Everyone should make up their own minds you can all be leaders don't follow anyone make your own path.
  A thousand years ago their was bad things going on in the world. There's definitely bad things now. In a thousand years there'll be more bad stuff. Posting a blurb that may or may not be accurate isn't going to change anything just get over yourself. If you want to change the world start with changing yourself and let your example change the people around you. If you can do that you can accomplish so much more instead of being some angry troll all the time. This is the best advice I can give on that I try everyday to be the best person I can be and help at least one person with something a day. If everyone done this the world would be a much better place instead of arguing over something irrelevant. I may lose some friends for writing this article but if I do that's alright because......they are trolls.

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