Thursday, October 27, 2011

Truth,Lies, and the Invisible World by Venom

I feel we are at a turning point in the world. Governments that were strong for a thousand years are falling. Governments that seemed solid aren't so solid. Alot of the beliefs we grew up with are falling apart and are showing cracks. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. It may not be a good thing either only time will tell. So what is changing these things what is responsible? This wasn't taken down by guns or missiles. They were taken down by education. As resources like the internet have gotten bigger and more vast people have more access to info than they have ever had. Tools like propaganda that governments have used in the past along with the media don't have the control they used to. Now if you want to know what is going on in any country you just go online and ask someone who is there and even get home made videos. In recent times it's become obvious that news organizations have biases therefore they no longer have any credibility but that's ok because we don't really need them.
   At the same time there are those who are afraid. They don't want to know the truth and don't want to see it. They want to cling to outdated values and beliefs. They want to hang on the  the people who want to control them and are all too willing to lie to them and claim we are the crazy ones. Check out this interesting speech by David Icke. Don't worry about those documentaries listed at the end I'll address those later in this article

  As I said before we aren't the crazy ones we are the ones trying to make a difference. Some people are just cowards but they don't have to be. They can change and make a difference it's not too late. I've seen alot of disturbing things this week and I've published alot of disturbing things on this blog. Many of which I'll be reposting for this article because I think you should look at them, I think everyone needs to see them and get out of this damn denial they are all in. When I post this most will never look at it or they will dismiss it's contents. If I can get one person to open their damn eyes then it will be a success. The fact is no one wants you to see this stuff because then you'll start asking questions. When your educated to these things people can't control you anymore. They can't take advantage of an ignorance that is no longer there. But no they don't want that instead they want you to shut up and sit in front of the TV and watch Jersey Shore so you can laugh at them and pretend you are better than them. They want you to watch CNN and blame republicans for everything or watch FOX News and blame democrats and argue about it in bars when the fact is what you think doesn't mean shit. They always say every vote counts. No actually in national elections it doesn't. Bush lost the popular vote when he was elected as has happened with several other presidents. More people voted for Gore but tough shit the electoral college elected Bush. In alabama where I live it will always be carried by republicans. If your a democrat your wasting gas just stay home because your vote won't matter. The opposite is true in many other states but your an asshole if you say that even though it's true.
    People are so wrapped up in themselves and their own ambition they rarely care about anyone else but themselves. Sure there are good people in the world I hope I'm one of them. Unfortunately in modern times good people have become the exception not the rule. It can range from small to big. I'll start with the small. My birthday was last week on October 21st. I try to help people whenever I can. I was honored to have people from all over the world wish me a happy birthday that didn't even know me but they were on my friend's list and facebook told them so they were nice enough to do that for someone they didn't know and make their day better(Thank you for that). Now I know a good many people local that I've worked to help that actually know me. I know a girl who didn't have any furniture and her daughter had to eat off the floor. I had my furniture in storage so I just gave it to her and even helped her move it in for her daughter. I know a guy who's wife was cheating on him with this other guy. I helped get rid of the guy and helped there marriage survive another year(They are gettin a divorce now). I know a girl who was having trouble with college and I did a report for her to try to help her out. I know another one who had self esteem issues trying to lose weight and I always made a point of telling her how pretty she was when I saw her. What do they all have in common? They all had something better to do than type two words on a keyboard for someone who busted his ass for them and asked nothing in return. It doesn't really matter but it would've been nice. Now that is a very small almost irrelevant example but it is a very small example nonetheless. Now for a huge one watch this next video: I want to warn you what you are about to watch is graphic and real this is not fake

    18 damn people walked by before someone did anything. The child died of injuries at the hospital but if someone had lifted a finger earlier the child may have been saved. So what was the excuse? Though the video is in chinese(obviously because this happened in China) since i have friends everywhere a friend of mine in China translated it for me. The main excuse was they were afraid someone would think they were the ones that ran over the child and they'd get in trouble. What a bunch of shit the camera was in full view everyone knew it was there. Once again they though of themselves only and let a child die. Now some would just dismiss that and claim well that's how it is over there in China but we're different here. Oh is that so? Well let's see about that.

   Here is a pic of young James Bulger he wasn't quite 2 years old. I say wasn't because he was kidnapped out of a shopping center in England far away from China and his body was found murdered and mutilated two days later. Witnesses even said he was kicking and screaming begging for help. Well geez if you saw him kicking and screaming you must feel like shit that you didn't do a damn thing. If not you definitely should you should be scarred for life. Plenty of people saw it. As a matter of fact reader the pic on the right is an actual photo from the security camera at the shopping center. That's little James on the left and the teen on the right is the one that murdered him and mutilated his body. Now it was the witnesses themselves who said he was kicking and screaming yet notice them in the pic not doing anything to help Of course if you follow my blogs you know this is the bystander effect that I've documented ad nauseum  in Kitty Genovese and Me as well as the follow up The Genovese Continuum. This was from the original article. Let's look at a re-enactment here in the US and see if the results are any different.
    So how many people walked by versus the number that helped? The excuse being they thought someone else would help. You see this is an international problem. Hell a few years ago there was even an incident where a woman was shot to death in a convenient store in San Francisco and people stepped over her and took pics with their cellphones and sent them to friends while the woman lay there dying. They couldn't have cared less. People think these things only go on somewhere else but they are hypocrits because they are no different. Everyone is the center of their own universe while the world goes straight to hell. People there is no innate good in the world. When it comes right down to it the only person you can depend on is yourself so it has to be you that makes the difference. Politicians are all corrupt they aren't gonna help you. The fact is if your getting raped a police officer isn't gonna pop up out of the floor and save you either. They'll show up later and fill out a report and maybe they'll catch the guy but if his dad has money he'll get a lawyer and probably get away with it. The fact is as your reading this unless your aware of these things you are no better than anyone else in those videos. If you want to know the truth have an open mind and research it. Turn the fucking TV off and start asking questions. Question everything hell question this article.
    The first problem starts with us. We've grown lazy. Other countries used to respect us because we were defiant and we stood for things and fought for them. Now many have become complacent and don't deserve that respect. So wrapped up in their on feces they can't see outside off themselves nor do they want to. They fall prey to religious fanaticism or even worse misguided cultures or both. I used to work for a copier company and I traveled to many small towns to work. I can't tell you how many towns I went to where people were impoverished. They lived in shacks that couldn't have cost more than a couple thousand dollars. In the middle of those shacks would be a 4 million dollar church that was supposedly raising money to help the poor and the weak but instead were just taking their money to build a 5 million dollar church. Before you start talking about glorifying God remember a church is not a building it is the people inside of it. God can be just as glorified in a field as an irrelevant building. A building doesn't have feelings it can only glorify the ego of man it can't glorify God so what's the deal there. I remember years ago this town was dry alcohol sales were illegal so the people had to give all their tax money to other cities to help their schools so our kids could remain stupid because the churches in the area said God said so. So when the vote came up a local church here went around to all the nursing homes and told the elderly if they'd register to vote and vote against alcohol they'd take them on a trip somewhere and come see them but if they didn't they die alone and go to hell. People got wind of it and you can buy alcohol here now. When people get up off their asses and stand up they can actually make something happen. A preacher came out against the new law and wanted it repealed! years later when it came up CNN and FOX News came to our town to interview everyone because they thought we would be the first city in US history to repeal that law. It didn't happen and they couldn't make fun of us so they left. That preacher was getting money by the way from a nearby city because our town being wet was hurting their tax revenue. Isn't that just so wonderful, decent, and good? This shit goes on in every city this isn't isolated but you won't know how bad your getting screwed with your ass glued to your seat watching Glee. The fact is people are corrupt as hell. The Bible is a great and wonderful thing but people are not. People distort things and take advantage of them and use them to control people for their own designs. God may be great but you are not.
   I see this evident in the entertainment here especially some country music. I here the same redundant thing in most male artists talking about how their dad plowed the fields and the simple life and appreciating what you have and all that. Well first of all you should appreciate what you have and all that. My problem is that my father worked in a factory job he hated for 35 years and my mother taught preschool. I worked in factories and warehouses most of my adult life. I love my mother and father and appreciate the sacrifices they made. However, I know damn well they didn't make those sacrifices so my life would be worth less or be stuck doing the same shit they had to do. They want better for me as any good parent would. When I here that kind of music I hear settle for what you got, love your oppressor, study religion stay away from the cities and book learning, you gotta be the government's bitch you should want to be controlled. Would you be happy with what you got if you knew what you could've had but it was stolen from you? I think not. Then they go on about the war and if you don't support the war your anti-american. First of all...Fuck You! I have a cousin in a hospital in Afganistan right now in stable condition he was shot monday. I know for a fact alot of the troops over there do not support the war. I support the troops! You bastards prey on the ignorant hoping they don't know the difference. This country was founded by people who stood up and fought for what they believed in. If they thought something wasn't right they said something about it. People like me are real americans not nuthuggers like you. Your just punks and cowards hiding behind outdated ideals because your afraid to grow.
  These will generally be the same people screaming about "immigrants invading america" Well let me educate you. First of all you dumb asses there is no such country as America. America is two continents one being North America and the other being South America. You live in North America in a country call the United States. Sometimes called The United States of America because it is physically on the American continents. Yes you are an american but so are canadians, mexicans, and even brazilians all of whom live on the american continents. You specifically are a United Statesmen if you want to get technical. So when you claim Mexicans are invading America I find it hard to believe since they've been in America thousands of years longer than you. I'm sure they know the name of the country you think they are invading even if you don't even know the name of the country you live in. So they are coming over here just to steal your job right? Well let's look at the working conditions in the border cities where they live shall we?

  Gee why would they ever want to leave that? Yeah if you haven't figured it out already they aren't running to the US they are running away from Mexico for fear off death. They don't care about your job they just don't want to die. Frankly the best solution is a better pathway to legalization which would have them paying taxes just like you which is what your concern is right? Because surely it isn't just because your a racist jerk right? I think Carlos Santana had the best take on it when he said if you don't want immigrants in the US then give the land back to the indians and go back to Europe.
   On the other end of this issue of truth and change and all that are people who are trying to do the right thing but the wrong way. There are people who just love conspiracies they'll promote anything as long as it's a conspiracy and especially if it's anti-american. They put out hoaxes and think they are helping but you can taken down a lie with another lie. It destroys the credibility of people who are trying to make change the right way.Some people out there are reporting real problems but they get overshadowed by crazy wingnuts. There have been several hoaxes I'm going to show you a real messed up one dealing with the 911 tragedy.

Take a good look at it. On the internet it says this pic was found in a camera in the rubble off the world trade center. This guy was up there taking a pic when the plane hit the tower and of course he was killed. It would be a sad story and a heartfelt reminder of the tragedy this poor guy had no clue. Except for one thing..this photo is total bullshit. That's right people it's photoshopped. When people saw this they were horrified they never did the research or they would've found out this:

If you look closely at the above image, Midtown Manhattan is discernible in the background behind the blissfully unaware subject, indicating that the photographer was facing north from the location of the Twin Towers at the moment the photo was snapped. Only one of the airliners that collided with the World Trade Center on September 11 approached from that direction — the first, American Airlines Flight #11, which struck the north tower (One World Trade) at 8:45 a.m. The trouble is, the north tower had no rooftop observation deck like the one pictured here. Even if it had, it wouldn't have been open to tourists at such an early hour.

There are additional discrepancies to ponder:

  • Why isn't the fast-moving aircraft blurry in the photo?
  • Why doesn't the subject (or the photographer, for that matter) seem cognizant of the plane's high-decibel approach?
  • The temperature was between 65 and 70 degrees that morning, according to news reports. Why is this man dressed for winter?
  • How did the camera survive the 110-story fall when the tower collapsed?
  • How was the camera found so quickly amidst all the rubble?
  • Why did this one-of-a-kind, newsworthy photo never appear in the media until after it had already been well circulated via email?
  This is once again an example of how sick people are and things they will do to get attention. Now I'll move onto another one that has damaged movements for the truth. I'll now address what I alluded to about the list of documentaries at the end of that first video. I've seen a couple of them. While some have alot of truth some are more wingnut bull that does more harm than good. 911 was a horrible tragedy and even today in 2011 we still don't have all the answers we want. The fact that we still don't have all the answers is enough to make anyone legitimately suspicious. You know as people sometimes when we don't know what's going on with something we imagine the worst. In one of those documentaries which I will not name. There is a part in it where they lay out all this evidence that the US fired a missile into the pentagon and killed all those people on purpose that their were no plane parts at the crash site and the hole in the pentagon was too small to be made by a Boeing 757. They made all of it seem factual and after that part was over you'd be convinced the US attacked the pentagon with a missile. They said no eyewitnesses even saw the plane that some said they saw a missile. After seeing that I was convinced they were right. But unlike most people I did the research and found out everything they said was a lie. So instead of just saying that how bout I just prove it?
    Other pics in the past were obscured by fighter fighters and first responder equipment however this is a perfect view of the impact zone that is supposed to be too small but when you look at those dimensions you can see that it is just about right for a Boeing 757 if you look closely you can see where the right wing did damage on the lower levels.

    Here's a photo taken by a passing motorist right after the plane hit you can see just how huge the impact zone was. I say plane because the motorist who took the pic actually saw the plane hit it and described it to investigators in great detail. In contrast not a single person who had a good view of the impact saw a missile or anything resembling it. Every single eyewitness saw a plane.
On the top left we have debri of the plane taken at the pentagon by first responders. You can compare that wheel to the wheels on the right found on a Boeing 757. Yes they say there was no plane debri...oops there it is right there in the pentagon after it hit.

Let's see what an actual eye witness has to say? His name is Joel v.d. Reijden he was more than happy to give his name:
A large American Airlines jetliner came screaming over the highways with it's gears up, after having circled the Pentagon area. It balanced a little to the left an right, clipped some light poles and other stuff, barely pulled itself straight again and fired up it's engines to full throttle in the last few seconds. Some say it struck the helipad with it's left wing right before it hit the Pentagon and a few others claim it hit the ground with it's nose, only inches before the wall. Just like the two airplanes that hit the WTC; "it disappeared.". A few claim they could see the tail sticking out of the building for about one or two seconds before a very heavy explosion engulfed everything in flames. (Like the WTC) People who were close by, were blown off their feet and some even went flying. Small pieces of airplane, concrete and other rubble was blown out of the building and landed up to hundreds of yards away. The blast was so powerful it blew a few big chunks of the engines hundreds of yards through the air. An intense heat has been described, which melted the back of at least one firetruck which was standing in front of the building.
This testimony has been back up by dozens of other witnesses. So he said American Airlines huh?
Holy Shit! There's actual pics of the plane hull in the grass at the pentagon. Low and behold it's from an American Airlines plane! Oh my God who would've have thought it? Apparently conspiracy theorists missed that. Well.. we know they didn't it was just a hatchett job. So let's recap

 claim: No one saw a plane hit the pentagon
truth: everyone with a good view saw a plane hit the pentagon

claim: some said they saw a missile
truth: no one who was there with a view saw a missile

claim: the hole was too small to be made by a plane
truth: the hole was the perfect size to be made by a plane

claim: there was no plane debri there
truth: there was plane debri everywhere

So does this mean the government isn't hiding something? No they are definitely hiding alot! Did tthe government have something to do with 911. There's evidence that says they did but this was supposed to be evidence of that as well and it was a complete lie. We may never know. The fact is these people wanted to start a stink to get people to ask questions and shock them. What they actually did  was the opposite they destroyed the credibility of people really looking for the truth and made them all look like wingnuts. You  can't takedown a lie with more lies. Look at what happened with the birthers. They look like idiots now. The republicans were smart enough to distance themselves from them early on because they knew what would happen. There's freaky stuff out there going on but lying doesn't help it. I want you all to look at this stuff and start researching. Don't believe everything you read no matter what it says. Be diligent and keep an open mind to find the right answers and educate yourself. We can make a change but it's got to be done the right way.
   In conclusion to summarize this article. Some of the ways the world is set up don't make logical sense when your forced to think about it. Think about what David Icke said and how it applies to you. Understand the conventional wisdom isn't very wise. There are other ways of thinking about things and new perspectives to look at. There are real answers out there. Maybe watch less MTV and watch more History Channel. Get into it don't settle for anyone's explanation you find it yourself and feel empowered to do so this is your world just as much as it is theirs or mine. Don't get caught up in the minutia of politics use common sense to see the real truth. Don't wait around for someone to help you because they may not be there. Wether it's something small like a birthday or if you see someone else in need. You can be the difference maker and you can make the difference. You don't need anyone to make you feel complete. You can empower yourself to get where you need to be stop waiting on someone else to do it for you. Understand what your listening to when you listen to the radio does it have any value? What are the real values you should have and what's important. Don't trust someone just because they are in a position of authority because in today's times you can't trust anyone. Don't get caught up in someone's dogma that does nothing but oppress you. In things like immigration try to be empathetic and understand what the under person may be going through and apply it to your life. Things aren't always what they seem. And last but not least don't believe every crazy thing you hear because everything you hear may be wrong don't be lazy do the work and find out for yourself be a leader and be the best person you can be. Thank you for your time.

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