Monday, May 31, 2010

Armed and Irrelevant: You Can't Shoot Everybody

Today I want to talk with you about something that has been driving me nuts for a long time. Though due to some of the subject matter i have to be very careful how i write it. Public safety is not something to be taken lightly. The problems that exist for security in these fields today are frankly quite scary due to what should be obvious to all of them.
To administrative people the trend i see lately is to arm their security with guns only. No restraint and control training or any form of a backup weapon. Now this isn't based on researching the internet or any of that type of stuff. With my jobs that i do i have to go into these places and i see this stuff firsthand with my own eyes. I don't tend to see this as much in prisons or sanitariums that i have to visit as much as i see it in... i hope your sitting down......areas with a high civilian interaction.
I was in a local DHR recently doing some work and noticed their security had started carrying guns now, but nothing else. Now these security were contract security of course. Most of them were past the age of 50 and none of them were in shape. Some were grossly obese. Now i don't know if you've ever been in a DHR but most of the people there aren't happy to be there. Now of course gun training is great and being armed with a gun i think is fine i know i love my glock. The beef here is being armed with a gun only. Now i can understand if some irate guy comes in with a gun freaking out because he just lost his children then that gun will come in handy and we'd be glad they have those guns. However is that the only violent thing that takes place in a DHR? Ummm...not even close. If two people get in a fight there i suppose they just shoot them too because they don't have the training to do anything else. If so does that make it ok? The state gets sued and the taxpayers get screwed again? These companies get offers for training all the time. The simple fact is the admins won't approve the money. They tend to think reactive instead of proactive. What if someone is just yelling and you have to escort them out? You don't have any restraint or control training. You don't have any pain compliance weapons. Are you just going to shoot them too? Of course not all your actually going to do if your gun doesn't work as a deterrent is call the local police and make a big scene, scare the hell out of onlookers, and look like an unprofessional moron yourself who can't do their job properly. Because the public expects you to have the training and believe that you have the training that you actually don't have at all. It's not just municipal sites either.
You think government sites are any different? I hate to break it to you but they are actually even worse. They have all the money in the world and spend it on things they'll probably never use. I will say with their gun training if you try to storm a gate or sneak in your going to be dead very quickly. They will take you out fast so don't even think about it. But in dealing with daily crap like arguments,fights, escorting people out, the same problem rings true.
The fact is that if Bin Laden or someone similar storms the door or whatever then yes guns are the ultimate and they need those guns and training for them is very important so yes we love us some guns. But the point is that is a very very low percentage of the things that are actually going to happen. The so the truth of the matter is they have all the training in the world for something they will probably never need and none of the training they need for the things that will definitely happen on at least a weekly basis. Therefore they are armed..but it's irrelevant.
If you are an admin and your reading this please start listening to the head of your security when they ask for the funding they need. Stop being reactive and start being proactive. The public is depending on you to do the right thing. If your security and you never thought about this then start going to your admins and make them aware of it. This situation sucks and something must be done about it. Any questions feel free to contact us at If you can't find the training then contact me and I'll find it for you or i'll fly out and train you myself, but it's got to be done. Thanks

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